
I'm back!

Hello sweethearts!

If you follow me on my social media than you know I came home 2 weeks ago. My life has been hectic since and I finally grabbed the time to update you all on my future (blogging) plans.

First of all, I have to say that that last few months were life changing and beautiful.
I am grateful for everything that happened to me since March, from work that I learned a lot and grow up as a person, to people that I have met and situations I've had to overcome. 

New people who have entered my life have left a great mark and beautiful memories and some have remained in my life 💕 I hope that they will be here for a long time.

So, now on to the future... Priority is to find a job as a social worker. News is that I will be changing my place of residence. That will allow me to find a job easier and start life with my special someone. Since I intend to return to active blogging now, change of residence will also allow me to cooperate with a large number of photographers. 

So if you would like to collaborate with me my email is eleonora.lovric@yahoo.com

Love, Eleanor

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